Ye, you're a jerk. You probably should have waited an hour longer for Beyonce to win so that you didn't have to embarrass yourself on national television...again. When keepin' it real goes WRONG.

Lady Gaga is either completely genius or bat shit crazy. Can't really decide. Perhaps a little of both.

As expected Beyonce was on fire and was Pink. Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes were a highlight at the end. Preforming practically the only song off of Blueprint 3 that I really love, "Empire State of Mind," that was until Lil' Mama jumped on stage with them. She's so corny.
Also, honorable mention to Wale--they put that guy in the corner but he was killin it throughout the whole show.
I have a hard time believing in the spontaneity of a lot of those moments because I've come to be quite critical of the media after studying it for the past 3 years. Are the VMAs just becoming a series of publicity stunts set up by both MTV and celebrity PR reps? What do you think?
1 comment:
she is both... she's walking the line and I hop she has good balance.
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