Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This and That.

I've been listening to this Knife song for a few days over and over on repeat (while shaking my ass in front of the mirror, naturally).
I know that it's a few years old, but my good friend Joe just introduced it to me. If you get can get into Electronic music. Please listen; it's brilliant.

The Knife- We Share Our Mother's Health

In other news, I will be starting my internship at Ropeadope on Friday. So, I'm definitely looking forward to that.
Otherwise, this week just needs to end as soon as humanly possible. I am so busy with midterms and other assignments. It is making me physically and mentally drained, as well as cranky. : /
I absolutely cannot wait to spend a week in Myrtle Beach with some of my best friends starting Saturday. I need the vaca.

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