Today is the day. He is exactly what this country needs right now, and I feel like the majority is on his side, despite whether or not they voted for him in the election. Honestly, it's kind of difficult for me to effectively express into words just how thrilled I am at the moment. Though I am sure you know, because I bet that many of you are feeling the same way.
I am just so proud that I witnessed and was a part of making this historic moment happen.
Today is a day that our generation will remember for the rest of our lives. It's the first day that I can remember that has come close to eclipsing the sheer volume and and intensity of raw emotion that filled our collective consciousness since September 11th. Only time will tell which of these two momentous days will have the longer lasting effect on the American people, but I am confident that America will long see today as a day that cauterized the wounds left by a horrible tragedy. Today is the first step down a path pointed at growth, healing, and international unity; truly a victory for all man kind.
You have such a better way with words than myself.
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